
Do you want to become a member of Sleep Green Hotels?

As leading hotels in the field of “Green Tourism”, we want to strengthen and expand our market position with our joint marketing platform.

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Friends of Sleep Green Hotels

Of course, other companies also share our vision of sustainable living. They also make an important contribution to this great development and take a step in the right direction together with us.

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If you talk about sustainability today, you can’t avoid the topic of e-mobility. And since sustainability is very important to us, some of the Sleep Green Hotels have their own e-charging stations in front of the hotel, which are powered by 100% green electricity. In some hotels, guests even have access to a variety of e-cars for a spin.

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Whether you have a specific reservation request, are looking for more information on individual houses, are looking for experts for an interview or just want to say hello, we look forward to hearing from you!

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